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Goals! Before you start anything decide – in writing – on the overall goals of your site and how you will measure success. If your team does not agree on this first step, the design process will be a mess and you will ultimately have no clear indicator of a successful project. Once that is completed you can plan for the remaining components: target audience, the level of personalization your technology supports, content plan, user experience, mobile and other channel availability, third party add-ons needed to support your site, and whose help you need to turn your strategy into reality.

There comes a time in the lifecycle of every site to evaluate where it is heading or find new strategies to fight stagnation in sales. This can be a very stressful time, filled with doubt and anxiety. Given what can happen if your eCommerce site does not work correctly, deploying or replatforming a site is not a project to be taken lightly. Success depends on having a well-developed roadmap and a partnership with the right consultant. Here are our team’s suggestions of a few things you can do to prepare for your eCommerce project.

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